Announced as clear favorite, Ludovic Teulade accomplished all his goals: give it his all in every race, have fun... and win!
Each day saw a different event on the Saint Raphael waterfront. The international SIC Maui rider did a full house, claiming the first place on the podium in every race: Long Distance, Sprint, Technical Race and Downwind. Always together with his RST.
Excellent warm-up for the last major event of the season: the ICF World Championships in Florida mid-November.
Day 1 Long Distance
First race of the championship, Ludovic enjoyed this long distance.
"I was in the lead from the start. I pushed hard on the second downwind to get ahead. The conditions were good, I was able to glide well, and I really enjoyed myself."
Ludovic Teulade
Pierre-Alain Debois finishes 5th in the Long Distance and first in the Grand Masters category

Day 2 Sprint
In the final against Simon Ackermann, Ludovic repeated his performance of the previous day.
"I got off to a slightly average start, not as good as Simon, so he tried to block me. I managed to hold the inside to try and take him out at the corner, but we both made a clean turn even though I was a bit more on the inside. Then I did connect a bump but we were close, so it was a close call."
Ludovic Teulade
Day 3 Technical Race
At the start with the other finalists, Ludovic soon found himself in the leading trio. These three put up a good fight during the different laps of the Technical Race. Ludovic managed to pick up a few surfs which enabled him to increase his lead. In the end, Ludovic wins again.

Day 4 Downwind
To finish off the championship, the competitors took on the Downwind race. After an 8km run, Ludovic finished in first place with a good lead...
The RST, a board at ease in all conditions and performing well in every race
"It's really an all-round board. I only had this board for the whole weekend, and I knew I could do anything with it. It's proven itself this year, it works well and we've all had good results, so there's nothing but good feedback so far. It's great because we've really worked hard on it. It's a really comfortable mixed board. In downwind conditions it glides well without being unstable."
Ludovic Teulade